17thPolish National Meeting of Couples Who Had Non-Alcoholic Wedding Celebrations

Wedding of the Weddings 2011

Radom (Poland), 28-31.7.2011

In which program one can find over 50 hours of good news from Poland and about Poland? In the program of the 17th Polish National Meeting of Couples Who Had Non-Alcoholic Wedding Celebrations Wedding of the Weddings 2011 Radom.

The first good news: The Poles amuse themselves great without alcohol in all regions Poland. It is not surprising, when instead of losing money on alcohol, one allocates it to a generous pay to the orchestra or the tables filled with excellent dishes and (non-alcoholic) drinks. And Wedding Radom 2011 is not only a place where couples reported on their wonderful non-alcoholic wedding receptions, but were also dancing, praying, visiting the city and the open air museum of village, and many other attractions.

Briefly speaking, a wedding reception, which even the crowned rulers can not boast.

The hours spent in Radom will be well-remembered by the participants. Thanks to the organizers.

The annual convention of couples that had non-alcoholic wedding receptions “ Wedding of the Wedding” grew over years to an acknowledged, most significant unofficial meeting of distinguished intellectuals. Who deserves more to be called an “intellectual” than those that use their intellect on daily basis, living in a permanent sobriety? Who deserves more to be called rational than those strongly believing in God and following His Commandments? Who deserves more to be called distinguished intellectuals than those who celebrate their weddings without alcohol, who not only are abstinents themselves but also promote the sobriety of their relatives and friends at their wedding, who grow in this way to outstanding leaders of local communities?

The importance of the meeting is underlined by the presence of bishops at the meetings. While in Poland one attending bishop makes an event to a prominent one, the Wedding of the Weddings in Radom was honoured by four attending bishops that celebrated Holy Masses every day of the meeting.

The convention itself has the form of a four-day long demo wedding celebration, with wedding reception at its heart, preceded by blessing by the Bishop of Radom of all participating couples (visible on the photo above), but also accompanied by numerous cultural events. One can hardly imagine a wedding with more splendor than a one presented at the Wedding of the Weddings.

So two university professors gave lectures on the essentials for happy marriage and family life. Less formally, but vividly a musician was talking about designing good inter-human relations. Really lessons that a bride and groom should attend right before they marry.

Two folk dance ensembles presented the regional culture. A Gospel music group sang on another evening. A high mountain music group played at the wedding reception.

We had also an occasion to visit an open air village museum where the art of house building, wind mill engineering, pottery production etc. were presented. We were impressed by “villager’s marble”, that looked really like marble of best quality, but was made of wood. It was created specially for the local wooden church that is now a very attractive place for wedding ceremonies.

As impressive as the visit to the village museum was the guided tour through the city of Radom. We learned how the fate of Poland was shared by Radom and how it contributed to the best pieces of Poland’s history.

And of course deep spiritual life was accompanying each day of the meeting. The spirituality is the foundation for the development of human intellect. As already mentioned, each day we attended a Holy Mass. There were other occasion for prayers, like cross-way etc.

There was much time to share the life experience among the participants, including interesting stories how a couple came to a decision on a non-alcoholic wedding and what was the impact on their life, the lives of their elatives and friends. The good example causes that already one out of ten wedding receptions is celebrated without alcohol, and there is a general tendency to limit the alcohol consumption at Polish weddings.

And last not least there was of course a traditional Polish wedding reception, with dancing, conversations, games, a performance of an artist that mimicked the way some public persons speak and behave. The dancing lasted till three o’clock in the morning, when the D.J. said he wanted to go to sleep. He was really surprised that at a non-alcoholic wedding party the people dance that long.

The participants of the meeting covered their participation expenses by themselves. But we had a number of supporting sponsors and donators that contributed much to the splendor of the whole event. So first of all the city council that welcomed us on the first day, the bishops of Radom that allowed to hold the convention in the priest seminar. Many food producers and other companies from Radom and neighborhood contributed either financially or with their products.

A large number of volunteers help the Coordinators of the event in organizational matters. We want to extend our thanks to all of them and are grateful for the fine time in Radom.

To learn more about the event series, read the book
"Wedding of the Weddings", edited by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster, 96 pages, alpha/Betascript Publishing (February 2011), ISBN-10: 6134353361, ISBN-13: 978-6134353366,
